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Cleantec ‘C' Frame System

Cleantec ‘C' Frame System

Space Design Labs offer an easy to clean, a Modern ‘C’ Frame System Lab Furniture, that is based on a Cantilever Systems and is internationally most widely accepted, at a very ECONOMICAL PRICE.

‘C’ Frame is constructed using a 60 mm x 30 mm rectangular pipe, which is usually 2 mm thick. The Frame does not have any front vertical legs, which provides a much orderly look. It comes with a leveler at the bottom, so that unevenness of any floor can be ironed out. Frames are offered in both standing height (900 mm) and sitting height (750 mm), as per the requirement of user. Horizontal Connecting Rods are removable and can be constructed in any width according to preference. Back Panels are removable and are used to cover the utility lines going on the back. They can be easily removed to approach the service area for maintenance.

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Cleantec ‘C' Frame System

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