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Cryostat Microtome
Cryostat Microtome
Product Details:

Most versatile section cutting machine for quick sectioning of tissues instantly freeze on built-in rapid freeze stage for Biological, veterinary and Medical diagnostic biopsies etc. The Cryostat Microtome complete made of brass & stainless steel is placed in stainless steel cold chamber with an observation glass window. Cryostat Microtome is provided with a hermetically sealed compressor unit with 'A' grade components to achieve quick cooling up to -50°C. It is also provided with feed range from 0-40 microns in steps of 2 microns each.
Supplied Complete With
Razor -120-mm with Back & Handle (1 nos)
Object Holder (3 set)
Honing Stone (1 nos)
Oil Can with Low Temp. Oil (1 nos)
Temperature Range : 30oC with Microprocessor Digital Temp. Controller & Indicator.
Temperature Range : 40oC with Microprocessor Digital Temp. Controller & Indicator.
Temperature Range : 70oC with Microprocessor Digital Temp. Controller & Indicator.

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Cryostat Microtome

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