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Single Column Texture Analyser

Single Column Texture Analyser

Texture is an important attribute in that it affects Research, processing and handling; influences habits; and affects shelf-life and consumer acceptance of products.

“Texture analysis is the mechanical testing of Food, Pharmaceuticals,Cosmetics, Adhesives and other consumer products in order to measure their physical properties”

Texture Analysis has become very adaptive in many industries to measure a specific or range of characteristics or properties relating to the way a material behaves, breaks, flows, sticks, bends, etc.

Researchers and manufacturers routinely apply texture analysis techniques in new product development as well as part of quality control at various stages of manufacture, carrying out a wide range of measurements to analyse raw materials, excipients, semi-finished goods, packaging and finished products.

It is a well establishedcost-effective technique to determine the effects of raw material or excipient quality or the adjustment of formulation or processing variables on end product desired quality and acceptability – whether this is to measure the 'mouth feel' properties of food, the flow properties of creams and pastes, the break or bend of a product or the tackiness of adhesives.

Where problematic textural issues occur during storage, transportation or as consumer complaints, texture analysis can provide a useful assessment. It may also prove to be an effective means of comparison with competitive products or where claims substantiation is necessary to take a technical pro-active stance in your market.

It will certainly prove an indispensable tool when you need to quantify the texture or overall physical properties of your 'gold standard' product for future comparison in manufacture – the key to maintaining consistent textural quality!

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Single Column Texture Analyser

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