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OCT (RS 3000 Advance Angio)

OCT (RS 3000 Advance Angio)Features- High penetration and wide area scan  SLO based OCT- OCT An..


OCT (RS 330 Duo)

OCT (RS 330 Duo)Features- High defination OCT and Fundus Camera in one compact unit- 53,000 A-scans-..


Optical Biometer (AL Scan)

Optical Biometer (AL Scan)Features  -  Effortless Measurement of K. AL. PS. WTW. CCT &..


Pachymeter (NT 530 P)

Pachymeter (NT 530 P)Features- Enhanced combination system Tonometer and Pachymeter- Automatic calcu..


Pediatric ROP Camera (Panocam LT)

Pediatric ROP Camera (Panocam LT)Features- Light weight portable handy ROP screening camera- Provide..


Pediatric ROP Camera (Panocam Pro)

Pediatric ROP Camera (Panocam Pro)Features- Wide field 130 deg - Higher imaging magnification w..


Perimeter (Centerfield 2)

Perimeter (Centerfield 2)Features -  Compact 70 Deg Perimeter  -  Fast and accur..


Perimeter (Easy field)

Perimeter (Easy field)FeaturesEasyfield is a full - fledged compact perimeter capable of performing ..


Perimeter (Smartfield)

Perimeter (Smartfield)FeaturesAs the latest entry in the pioneering compact perimeter design line of..


Perimeter (Twinfield 2)

Perimeter (Twinfield 2)Features  -  Static Automated Perimetryupto 90 Degree  - ..


Phacoemulcification System & Vitrectomy (CV 3000 Fortas)

Phacoemulcification System & Vitrectomy (CV 3000 Fortas)Features  -  Fortas Pump for h..


Phacoemulcification System (CV 9000 R)

Phacoemulcification System (CV 9000 R)Features- Reusable Irrigation and Aspiration (I / A) tube- Vac..


Phacoemulcification System (CV 9000)

Phacoemulcification System (CV 9000)Features- Cassette type with disposable and reusable tube- Vacuu..


Refractor (RT 5100)

Refractor (RT 5100)Features  -  The RT 5100 offers quick & smooth lens changes, &..


Slit Lamp (SL 1800)

Slit Lamp (SL 1800)Features-  Clear & easier view with wide field “high eye point” type eye..


Slit Lamp (SL 2000)

Slit Lamp (SL 2000)Features- Slit lamp that exceeds expectations.- Crisp and clear view- Almost natu..
