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Powder Mass Mixture
Powder Mass Mixture
Product Details:
Design Type
Automation Grade
220 V - 240 V
50 - 60 Hz

Our company is one of the renowned name of Powder Mass Mixture in the market at present. It is applicable in a number of agricultural and several other industries and is made available from our side at industry leading rates. Working on the principle of differentials of lifting velocity, this machine will most efficiently separate aerodynamically heavier material from aerodynamically lighter material. The lighter material is carried with the controlled air stream to a setting chamber, while the heavier material is discharged out through the air-lock spout.
  • Controlled air stream
  • Quick operation
  • Low on maintenance


  • Fine grading
  • Agriculture and farming
  • Seeds machinery

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Powder Mass Mixture

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Tags: Food Industry Spice Processing Machine