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Gas Pycnometer

Gas Pycnometer:


True density analysis of powders and bulk solids

Gas pycnometers measure the true density of solid samples using an inert gas to measure the sample volume by applying Archimedes’ principle of displacement. Unlike similar devices that use liquids (water, alcohol, or kerosene), these instruments are easy to use and do not affect the surface chemistry or physical structure of the sample during measurement. PentaPyc 5200e measures up to five samples sized from 1 cm³ to 135 cm³ with the highest level of accuracy due to its multiple built-in expansion volume chambers. 

Technical specifications :

PentaPyc 5200e
Sample cell volumeAccuracyRepeatability
135 cm³ cell<±0.02 %<±0.01 %
50 cm³ cell<±0.03 %<±0.015 %
10 cm³ cell<±0.2 %<±0.1 %

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Gas Pycnometer

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