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Protective Coating & Anti Corrosive

Protective Coating & Anti Corrosive

Product Details :

Filtron Envirotech (India) is the leading Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Oil Drilling Chemicals, Specialty Protective Coating also known as Anti Corrosive.

We are into manufacturing of Protective Coating also known as Anti Corrosive Delhi Based and Stands for assurance of quality of all Products manufactured at our Manufacturing Facility. The Protective Coating also known as Anti Corrosive manufactured by our company are sold in all over Countries worldwide.

Single Pack to Clean Iron Surface
Silicone Based Water Repellent Coating
Acrylic Resin Based Water Repellent Transparent Coating
Dual Pack Solventless Coal Tar Epoxy Coating
Zinc Chromate Primer for Corrosion Inhibition on Steel Surface
Dual Pack PU Based Protective Coating
Single Pack Rust Converter
Single Pack Corrosion Inhibitor
Coating for prevention of Corrosion of Steel in Sea / Fresh Water etc


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Protective Coating & Anti Corrosive

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